Double Spaces to end a thought… To use or not to use, that is the question.

Should We Use a Single or a Double Space at the End of a Thought? My son is taking college classes in lieu of high school and I have been editing his work. I later realized that he had also … Continue reading

Musings on Filth and Fumes- One Writer’s Expanded Resume by Ilona Rapp

My daughter landed in New York this week.  To my delight, she asked about my favorite haunts in Manhattan.  My memories, surprisingly, are almost as old as she is, and from a time when I was exactly her age.  That … Continue reading

Read the fine print! Writing Competitions, Stress and Relief (or “if it can go wrong, it probably will!”) by Ilona Rapp 02 23 15

I am going to skip to the conclusion and announce that I successfully submitted my three entries into the Pacific Northwest Writer’s Association Unpublished Contest two days ago. It was, of course, the final day and the final hour of … Continue reading

AUTHOR BRANDING: Semantics, Contrivances, Contradictions and Empowerment Part I: Deconstruction and Reconstructing (AUTHOR OR WRITER)by Ilona Rapp 02 22 15

For the writer, language is a powerful tool. Some writers sidestep the title of “author” on the basis of semantics. Despite their status as synonyms, the two words can carry different connotations. Going back to basics, I looked for the … Continue reading